Wednesday, May 21, 2008

When An Atom Defines Infinity

Let's try to find a moment. A moment containing the beauty never seen and a song that lives unsung. A moment which contains everything. It's like having a soul. When for a moment you live beyond time and experience and all what matters is just awareness. The ways to do that are innumberable,like standing against a strong blowing wind with your arms wide open,managing the beauty of the moment,just like thoughts crossing all boundaries. It is when you profess to dream and hum to the song of life.A moment which lasts forever.Only by the wave falling back into the sea can it become unlimited.After it has become the sea,it can become a wave again and as big as it wants to be.If it is good to feel the happiness of one body,it must be better to feel the beauty of two souls and so on,to a moment,when you add the beauty of all the conciousness avaiable in the world,becoming one and gaining universal conciousness.To gain this infinite universal individuality,this miserable little prison individuality must go. It's like Creating millions of alternative universes within a difference of a few metres.It's about Dancing in the rain when it is not raining outside,but inside.When you can find light in darkness and your soul,dancing and sliding on a big mountain of love,beauty and understanding,is barely visible due to the very strong penetrating sunlight.It's Mozart playing that unfinished last symphony and you helping him out with the guitar.(well,he never used the guitar, but as this is the unfinished last symphony,we can try and get a little innovative)
Come out and die in the open air of freedom.Throw all the other nonsene to the winds.Be Free.

IT is all about inventing the bloody NanoSecond.

Invent NanoSecond.REinvent Life.


Aastha said...

hmmm...thought provoking

Meenakshi Janga said...

That was brilliantly put.We are so engaged in the hustle bustle of our lives that we fail to live 'that'(read:every)moment.Anxiety dominates our preoccupied minds.Dont rehash past mistakes and relive agonizing failures.Just let urself stay in the moment and REinvent it(as u so rightly said).
Well done

Purni said...